Friday 27 November 2015


so here is the rest of the character development. everything got a lot more difficult after the critique, making the changes the lecturers suggested.
after trying several different ways of restyling the character I finally found one I was happy with.
making the choice to focus on the stylistic development and ditch the test animation idea was a difficult one; I could have done some tests with a character i wasn't happy with and hadn't developed enough, but instead I decided to put all my effort into getting it right.
although that derision may reduce my final grade for this project. im happy with the choice I made, due to the fact this project is leading directly into the FMP, I feel I made the wise decision to get the most important aspect done instead of wasting time animating a character I wasn't going to use.

so without further adue, here is the rest of the sketchbooks.

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