Saturday 27 February 2016

professional practice 4

i've been doing research into business cards and promotional material today, found this great image of examples of cool business cards. problem being obviously they are more expensive to make and you need a specialist site to make them if you cant do it yourself. still it's a bit of fun to look at from an artist point of view




for myself i've come up with a few designs for interesting business cards and a few plain design ones for bulk ordering from a site like vistaprint. the artwork to go on them will be something new and specified rather than from my current imagebase, this ensures that the work is on my current level of skill and that potential clients see the sort of work they can expect.
obviously the website and such would need to be established first to go on them as contact information.

ive also been looking at potential artist nicknames (sudanim, persona like thing) Lawrence Matthews is a bit of a mouthful and an odd spelling. for the sake of professionalism 'snailorgy' doesnt quite send out the right message, and you never know what sort of work you may do to pay the bills and sometimes its a good idea to have a different name to go under without abandoning your integrity as an artist.
I do like the snail part of my current online persona, snails have always been a sort of spirit animal to me.

possible new names, in spider diagram for because that's what i like to do

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