Wednesday 10 February 2016

major project 4

since I finally got an idea of what to do it's been all go go go in terms of research, I had forgotten just how fascinating medieval illustration was.
what i've been up to: I took a road trip to nearby Hampshire to go to the lovely Winchester Cathedral.
while im not normally one for churches and religious stuff in general, the subject matter means I need to have a look at old texts and there is nothing quite like the old architecture and art to get the artistic juices flowing.
obviously I brought a trusty pocket sketchbook for my trip and promptly have misplaced it due to its small size, so until I find it you will have to make due with some blurry pictures (it was super cold in there and it's hard to take a photo with gloves on). 

the thing I mainly went to see was the old texts they had stored in the top floor, namely the winchester bible, whist photos weren't permitted in this part of the cathedral I have managed to snag myself a most excellent resource from the gift shop a whole book on the winchester bible, by Claire Donovan, with lots of nice pictures of the ornate lettering for reference.

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