Thursday 4 February 2016

Professional practice 1

as the Professional practice is a project that i'll be doing slowly along side the major project, I have created a list of all the things I have to do in preparation for my life as a professional artist, I made this list with the help of some very good books
1. The Illustrator's guide to law and business - Simon Stern
2. Illustration 101 - Max Scratchmann
3. How to create a portfolio and get hired - Fig Taylor
By also looking at already established illustrators and seeing how they have marketed and promoted themselves to get idea on how to do it myself. this list is in no particular order in terms of how pressing or how important the task is, it's just how the order i came up with things in my brain storming session.

  • identify potential clients or positions for future work (get a list of contact details and start creating database) 
  • join AOI
  • create a main website (buy domain name)
  • create secondary websites i.e blogs and community pages to help promote work
    • create list of potential site Deviantart, hitrecord, ect.
  • 8-10 work Portfolio to show potential clients (they are going to give us a nice one)
  • digital portfolio / showreel
  • business cards
  • business postcards / samples / newsletter
  • Artist CV
  • finalise logo
  • license for commission's (consider letterhead and type) 
  • receipt for commissions 
  • 500 word career plan
  • exhibition locations
  • list free and paid possible advertising space
  • research search engine optimisation for websites
  • commission email 
  • research book publishing as it something I've always wanted to do and would be great advertising
  • look up potential agents pros/cons  
whilst this looks like a lot of things to do, a lot of it will be using the same logo and stationery design so that will be my first task, things like joining the AOI will be the very last thing as it costs money and is on a timer, I wont be doing it until the last minute (during uni time as we get a discount)
I may or may not make the main website at this point as again it cost money and is on a timer so it will be another last minute one, just before I start contacting clients.

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