Monday, 5 October 2015

Its my 3rd and final year and I've been asked to summarize what my plans are this term, in a shiny new blog, so here it is.

this year I will be splitting my efforts into both character design and animation.
for my third year projects I will be creating a animations using different mediums and styles to see how they compare and relate to the skill and time required, this will include looking at the animation process and industry in terms of price, efficiency and effect for each of the styles. I will also be looking at animation in a broader context to see why the industry has changed to a more dynamic vector style in shows such as "Adventure time" and "Rick and Morty" to see if it is simply for artistic style or if a greater marketing and budget reasons are more to blame. alongside the newer digital technology that are used I will also be experimenting with traditional animation techniques culminating in a contained narrative using the multiple styles simultaneously.

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