Tuesday 3 May 2016

Final animation

incase anyone was wondering, here is the final animation I handed in, i would have liked to have formated the video the same in a consistent manner, but it had to be handed in or I wouldn't get a mark. so it may seem a tad choppy after the initial sequence 


ITS OVER: Dobby is free

I have handed in so i thought i'd do a little review before I have a break from blogging so everything can get marked.
one thing that has remained true throughout all my years in education is that there is never enough time. that being said I am extremely happy I was able to hand something in. as soon as I realised that i didn't have enough time to do what I wanted, I adapted to the situation and did the best that could be expected. while three years ago i would given up or have gotten depressed now I can can be proud that I can roll up my sleeves and just get on with it, it has marked a considerable milestone as my growth, not just as an artist but as a person.
I handed my work in on time and all that is left to say is a big thank you to all the staff that have helped and inspired me these past few years, you have all been amazingly knowledgeable and patient.

whilst I would have loved to do a special illustration to mark the occasion I haven't slept in quite some time and I am in desperate need of a whisky, a pizza, and a power-nap (not necessarily in that order)

you will have to make due with this old drawing of mine as my sign off for now, kinda nice to see am (old piece of work to compare against tho)

This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

professional practice 7

the biggest problem i've had with this unite, apart from the fact i had to send away my (nice portfolio so i''ll probably get marked down) is the fact that ive done so much animation as of late, I dont really have much current work for my portfolio, at least not 8-related images that work well together.
in the end I made some new stuff to go with stuff I already had that I liked, at least they have a good continuity in terms of style.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

major project 17

time for some radical re-thinking and editing if im going to have something to hand in on time.
the flash animating is just taking too long some im going to glue together what ive done in a new composition

not what I wanted but im just out if time and ive still got some P,P to do. really regretting changing my project a month in, if I had that time I could be finished by now

Wednesday 20 April 2016

major project 16

I think i may have underestimated just how long this animation is going to take, this is about two seconds of film and it took me a day to get the frames right


Thursday 14 April 2016

major project 14

time is running out now so im starting to feel the panic.
animated all the cutouts but it took way longer than I would have liked

all the gifs are too big for here so ill have to upload them as movies to youtube